Statement Of Faith
The Holy Spirit worked with the Father and the son to create the World. The Father gave his Spirit to make us like his Son, Jesus Christ. the Jesus Christ we know is Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit. He made a wonderful promise in John 14:16-17:”I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever the Spirit of Truth.
The Physical structure has gone through different stages. Each stage served a purpose! Before moving to pur present position. Today, The BOS is an architectural masterpiece located in the heart of Aflao-Denu Tokor.
Rev. Aps. Moses K. Ashigbui
Mrs. Regina Ashigbui
Mrs. Regina Ashigbui is a supportive Wife of The Man Of God A.K. Moses who strenghten Him to carry the Apostolic and Prophetic Mantle of the Lord Jesus Christ to reach the world with the Good News.